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MK-677 Liquid Ibutamoren EUROPE

MK-677 liquid droppers, or Ibutamoren, is a growth hormone (GH) secretagogue that is often mistakenly categorised as a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). MK-677 mimics the effect of the hunger hormone ghrelin and, as a result, causes an increase in the number of growth hormones (GHs) produced by the body.

50ml Bottle | 1250mg per bottle | 1ml contains 25mg


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MK-677 Liquid Ibutamoren

MK-677 Liquid, also known as Ibutamoren, is a growth hormone secretagogue that is used primarily for laboratory research purposes. Often mistakenly categorised as a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), it mimics the action of the endogenous hunger hormone ghrelin and stimulates the release of growth hormone, thereby aiding in the increase of lean body mass.

It exhibits a strong affinity for the ghrelin receptor, which is key to its growth hormone stimulating action. Studies have shown that MK-677 can potentially be an effective treatment for conditions such as growth hormone deficiency and muscle wasting, as it helps in wound healing and increasing bone mineral density.

Additional research indicates that MK-677 liquid can improve the quality, duration, and rapid eye movement (REM) phases of sleep. As a member of the selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) family, it has also been the subject of numerous clinical trials for its potential to enhance muscle strength and counter muscle loss. Preliminary research suggests that MK-677 may also affect cortisol and cholesterol levels, offering potential benefits for conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

MK-677’s influence on Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) levels is another area of interest for researchers. Through these varied mechanisms, MK-677 represents a promising tool in the arsenal of molecular biology and clinical research. However, it’s important to note that while the potential benefits of MK-677 liquid  are significant, further studies are necessary to fully understand its mechanisms of action and potential side effects.


Molecular Formula: C27H36N4O5S
Molecular Weight: 528.7 g/mol

Size: 50ml | 1250mg per bottle | 1ml contains 25mg


Fat loss

Among the many advantages of Ibutamoren, it has a long-term effect on our body fat loss [1].

A research experiment of 40 participants was conducted, agreeing to participate in a 16-week MK677 treatment programme. These individuals were under constant observation. After 16 weeks of consuming MK677 solution at 15mg daily, they observed that those taking the supplement burned 3% of their body fat.

Due to an increase in growth hormone levels, MK-677 liquid sarm caused the test subjects to lose weight more quickly and in a shorter period.

Muscle growth and bone density

Ibutamoren is one of the best ways to gain muscle mass, increase bone density and lose weight simultaneously [2].

It was believed that Ibutamoren MK-677 liquid sarm would improve muscle mass, similarly to the previous fat loss trial. For 16 weeks, individuals were given 12.5 mg of MK677 and gained 2 pounds of muscle over time. These tests are carried out without incident, without altering their food or exercise regimen.

Ibutamoren MK677 solution is an excellent supplement after using SARMs or anabolics. It allows us to maintain our muscular gains throughout the cycle effortlessly.

Improved Recovery

Typically, bodybuilders require approximately 72 hours to recover after training sessions. However, research indicates that by incorporating Ibutamoren into their routine, this recuperation period could potentially be shortened by 48 hours, enabling bodybuilders to engage in more frequent exercise.

Improved sleep

This substance has been shown to improve the quality of one’s sleep [3]. MK-677 liquid sarm has a lot of fans. Your sleep quality improves spontaneously as your growth hormone levels rise. With 6 hours instead of 8, you get a better night’s sleep and wake up feeling more refreshed.

Healthy Hair and Skin

Ibutamoren not only improves sleep but also improves the appearance of hair and skin.

Users of MK677 solution have reported improved skin and quicker nail growth. In addition, Ibutamoren has been credited with thickening and strengthening the hair of specific users.

In addition, this substance slows the balding process and aids in the growth of hair follicles. Thus, it aids in healing, resulting in thicker and quicker growth.


  • MK-677, acting as a growth hormone secretagogue, stimulates the release of growth hormone, aiding in the increase of lean body mass.
  • It can potentially be an effective treatment for conditions such as growth hormone deficiency and muscle wasting, due to its role in wound healing and increasing bone mineral density.
  • MK-677 has been shown to improve sleep quality, duration, and the amount of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This could have wide-ranging effects on overall health and well-being.
  • The sarm may enhance muscle strength and counter muscle loss, as indicated by numerous clinical trials.
  • Preliminary research suggests that MK-677 liquid may affect cortisol and cholesterol levels, potentially offering benefits for conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The compound’s influence on Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) levels may also offer potential benefits, making it a promising tool for research.
  • Unlike many growth hormone secretagogues, MK-677 solution can be absorbed via the digestive system and doesn’t require injections, providing a more convenient administration method.


[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 18981485/

[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 10404019/

[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 9349662/

Buy SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren

Pharma Lab Global is one of the best locations to purchase high purity MK-677 Liquid Ibutamoren Sarm for research. Pharma Lab Global EUROPE is a trusted supplier of peptides and sarms worldwide. For convenience, Ibutamoren is also available as 10mg Capsules and 1 gram or 3 gram sarm powder.

Check out our support Supplements HERE.


DISCLAIMER: All products sold by Pharma Lab Global are for research and laboratory use only. These products are not designed for use or consumption by humans or animals. They are not to be classified as a drug, food, cosmetic, or medicinal product and must not be mislabelled or used as such. By purchasing from our Website the buyer accepts and acknowledges the risks involved with handling of these products. All articles and product information provided on this Website are for informational and educational purposes only. Handling and use of these products should be restricted to suitably qualified professionals.